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August 2006 : a total of 2400 additional tubes were placed in the savanna

2400 additional tubes were placed in the savanna

Some young saplings planted last Dec. are now taller than their tubes!!
December 2005 : 1200 tubes were placed in the savanna
A new technique involving "Hexatubes" (tree-shelters produced by Phytoculture Control, Japan) was introduced to protect young trees against grassland invasion, herbivores, and dehydration. These hexagonal plastic tubes are placed around the young saplings and remain there until the stem reaches 10 cm in diameter.
In December 2005, the first 1200 tubes were set up in the
savanna of the Green Corridor area. The introduction of this technique
should help the young saplings planted to thrive and eventually from a
diverse and lush forest !
information about the tubes
Here are some photos explaining how the tubes were installed the first time.

At first, the local IREB's staff cut the grass around the future location of the young sapling.

After a long trip by boat then by car from Japan to Bossou, the tired tubes were taken out from their box and shaped to become hexagonal.

One hexatube was set up above each new young sapling planted.

Then two bars were driven into the two opposite sides of the tube to fix it.

Finally, the 1200 tubes were installed in the savanna, facing the Nimba Mountains.....Beautiful view!

After work....you can see here all the local staff along with Ryu Hasegawa, the technician from Phytoculture Control who comes especially from Japan to supervise the installation of the hexatubes.

The next day....Surprise! The tube keeps humidity around the young sapling. What a good atmosphere to grow up!

This picture shows an "overview" of these two new best friends!